Bees need honey plants to make honey, propolis, bee bread and other products. The crops are sown near the apiary to increase productivity, and many beekeepers try to buy honey grass seeds. There are seven most productive honey plants suitable for growing in temperate climates.
Choosing honey plants to create a food base
Experienced beekeepers know how tasty honey collected from certain honey plants is. Yes, and true lovers of this product know how the taste of buckwheat honey differs from linden or collected from wild flowers. In our online store, honey seeds are presented in a wide range. You can purchase seeds:
Культура | Чистота, min. | Сходство, min. | Фасовка, кг | Цена по НДС, грн/кг |
Гречка | 98% | 96% | 20 | 50 |
Фацелия | 98% | 96% | 35 | 160 |
Белый Клевер | 98% | 96% | 25 | 160 |
Эспарцет | 98% | 96% | 25, 50 | 35 |
Донник белый | 98% | 96% | 20 | 130 |
Донник желтый | 98% | 96% | 20 | 130 |
Синяк обыкновенный | 98% | 96% | 35 | 250 |
Types of honey grass seeds
Phacelia is an unpretentious plant that is not afraid of frost. Flowering begins 5-6 weeks after sowing. If the plant is planted several times a season, it brings up to 1000 kg of honey from 1 ha. Phacelia is recommended to grow in a sunny place to get good flowering.
The plant secretes fungicides that destroy fungus and harmful microorganisms. Phacelia honey is used to treat ulcers, liver diseases, gastritis. The product has a tonic effect, improves sleep and well-being.
Goat’s Rue
Goat’s Rue is a perennial crop of the legume family. The plant should be planted in soil with neutral acidity and watered regularly. The flowering period lasts from late May to mid-July. Goat’s rue nectar and pollen contain antioxidants, minerals, and alkaloids. Honey has an antipyretic effect, strengthens the immune system, and is used in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus due to galegin in the composition.
Sainfoin is planted in early spring in nutrient soil in an open sunlight place. The plant does not tolerate drought well. Flowering occurs in early summer. The yield is up to 400 kg of honey per hectare. The Caucasian variety of culture has the greatest value in beekeeping.
Sainfoin honey crystallizes slowly and has a rich taste. The product is rich in vitamin C, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Sainfoin honey is used to treat diseases of the female reproductive system, restore sexual function in men.
Sainfoin is planted in early spring in nutrient soil in an open sunlight place. The plant does not tolerate drought well. Flowering occurs in early summer. The yield is up to 400 kg of honey per hectare. The Caucasian variety of culture has the greatest value in beekeeping.
Sainfoin honey crystallizes slowly and has a rich taste. The product is rich in vitamin C, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Sainfoin honey is used to treat diseases of the female reproductive system, restore sexual function in men.
Clover is an unpretentious plant that blooms from May to August. The culture is resistant to drought, heat, not very demanding on the composition of the soil. There are two varieties of sweet clover – yellow and white.
Yellow sweet clover gives fragrant transparent honey. Pollen collected by bees is used in its pure form to accelerate the recovery of the body after injuries and illnesses, increase immunity, normalize metabolism and increase potency.
White sweet clover is more productive than yellow, so it is more valued by beekeepers. The resulting honey contains organic acids, vitamins, enzymes. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the lungs, stomach, disorders of the nervous system.
The common bruise is characterized by abundant nectar secretion at any time of the day. The plant is planted in late autumn or early spring. Flowering continues from early July until the first frost. About 850 kg of honey is collected from 1 hectare of a bruise.
The leaves and flowers of the plant are used to make a wound healing mixture. Bruise honey has a rejuvenating effect, is used as a sedative, and has an analgesic effect.
Mustard is a cruciferous oilseed. It is resistant to frost, drought, grows well in any soil. When sown several times a season, it blooms from June to October. Nectar is released at temperatures above 180C.
Honey has a slight bitterness and crystallizes quickly. The product has antimicrobial properties, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels. Mustard honey is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, relieves irritation and removes phlegm. The product is used to treat dysbacteriosis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
Winter Age
The winter century is sown along with other honey plants as a supporting bribe. The plant itself produces little nectar and pollen. Monofloral honey from winter vetch is not produced. The plant has a calming effect, rich in vitamins and minerals. Winter vetch is used as a diuretic and laxative.
It is recommended to plant several types of honey plants with different flowering periods next to the apiary. A rich food base for bees will ensure high productivity and excellent taste of honey.
Buy honey grass seeds
LLC “SMART AGRO PLUS” offers to buy seeds of honey herbs with delivery to your city. Each plant will give honey a special flavor and look for the healing properties of the product. Choose the right crop for your site. If you do not know which mixture of herbs to choose and how much, please contact us. call nabout the phone or leave a completed application on the website of our online store. If you want to buy products with a good discount, you can buy honey grass seeds in bulk from us. All seed material undergoes the strictest testing and is approved by the quality mark.