Lutsk, st. Konyakina 2
Time 8:00-18:00
  • Українська
  • English


Our catalog is a wide range of seeds for a variety of needs: for livestock, beekeeping, horticulture, landscaping and for ordinary household needs.
Smart Agro Plus sells seeds both wholesale and retail.

Siderate mixtures

Насіння нішових

SPECIAL OFFER OF NICHE SEEDS NICHE SEEDS We offer for sale the seeds of siderates and honey plants. All qualitative indicators are not lower than the current DSTU. A sales contract, an invoice, an expense and transport invoice, as well as test protocols and a quarantine certificate are attached to the batch of seeds. Culture […]

Кормові трави

We offer alfalfa seeds of domestic and imported varieties.


A mixture of cereal and legume seeds for hayfields and pastures, as well as special purpose mixtures in the range.

Газонні трави

A mixture of lawn grass seeds for landscaping and landscaping.

Кормові трави

Seeds of cereals and legumes for livestock.


Seeds of greens to enrich the soil with nutrients.


Seeds of honey crops for beekeeping and horticulture.


A wide selection of fertilizers for all types of management.


Services in cleaning seeds of forage and lawn grasses.