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How to care for lawn grass.

Proper care is the key to a beautiful, attractive lawn in front of the house. There is an opinion that the lawn does not require special treatment, it grows well despite the lack of fertilizers or drought. However, this is not the case – the landscape must be fertilized, watered and mowed, otherwise a beautiful lawn will quickly turn into a field of weeds. The main nuances of care depending on the season are described below.

Care behind lawn grass


With the arrival of the first warm days, the lawn should be given maximum attention, as the further condition and growth of plants depends on care. Main types of works:

  1. Cleaning up garbage, dry leaves, combing. Special fan rakes are used for work, which make it possible to remove large debris without damaging the plantation.
  2. Aeration, in the process of which the earth is enriched with oxygen, the crust formed due to frost is removed. Aeration is carried out using special rakes or rollers.
  3. Fertilizing with minerals and nitrogen. Top-up is applied according to the instructions described on the package.
  4. Sowing new grass if there are gaps in the plot or a significant part of the territory is damaged by frost.
  5. It is also recommended to cut the grass in dry weather. The haircut is carried out once every few weeks, while the direction of the lawnmower is regularly changed so that the cover is even and without bald spots.


If the spring work was done correctly, observing all the nuances, then in the summer the owner only needs to periodically water, trim plantings. Haircut is also performed once every two weeks, watered moderately, taking into account weather conditions.

If necessary, you can apply fertilizers in the summer, while it is recommended to do this in the early morning or late evening hours, when the heat subsides. Among fertilizers, preference is given to organic or nitrogen mixtures, liquid or dry.

Autumn and winter.

In the autumn, plantings are prepared for wintering. The lawn is cleared of fallen leaves and large debris, weeds, and seeds are planted if empty spaces have formed on the plots. It is also recommended to apply fertilizers where marshy areas with stagnant water have appeared. The final stage is a haircut.

There is no need to cultivate or water the lawn in winter. The grass provides rest and peace – you should not walk on the lawn, fill the ice rink, or clear the snow. With the arrival of heat, it is recommended to remove the ice crust, which will impair the flow of oxygen to the plantation.

Useful care tips.

A few useful tips that may come in handy during grooming:

  1. Remove weeds before they take over a large part of the lawn, otherwise aggressive plants will quickly destroy the lawn.
  2. Water the lawn early in the morning before 9 o’clock, excess moisture will lead to the appearance of fungus.
  3. Fertilize in moderation. An excess of fertilizers will lead to yellowing and wilting of plants.
  4. It is not necessary to mow the grass by more than 1/3 of the height, excessive cutting will have a negative effect on growth.

Following the basic rules of care, you can form a beautiful perennial lawn that will ennoble the area around the house. Regular care requires effort and time, but the costs will be compensated by a beautiful landscape and additional beneficial properties of the lawn.
