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Home / Seeds / Honey plant

Honey plant

We offer for sale seeds of honey crops for beekeeping and horticulture.

All quality indicators are not lower than the current DSTU.

A sales contract, invoice, expense and transport invoice, as well as test reports are attached to the batch of seeds.

We choose honey plants to create a fodder base

Experienced beekeepers know how delicious honey is, collected from certain honey-bearing plants. And true lovers of this product know how different the taste of buckwheat honey is from linden honey or collected from wild flowers. In our online store, honey bee seeds are presented in a wide range. You can buy seeds:

Culture Cleanliness, min. Similarity, min. Package, kg Price with VAT, UAH/kg
Buckwheat 98% 96% 20 50
Phacelia 98% 96% 35 160
White Clover 98% 96% 25 160
Asparagus 98% 96% 25, 50 35
Burkun is white 98% 96% 20 130
Burkun yellow 98% 96% 20 130
A common bruise 98% 96% 35 250

Buy honey plants for bees

Honey plants are a group of plants from which bees can collect pollen, nectar and produce honey, perga and propolis. Many of them are medicinal, and later honey can also acquire the healing properties characteristic of this type of plant. Honeybees should be selected for areas near the apiary taking into account the time of flowering: from early spring to autumn, as well as the needs of a specific apiary, the demand for each type of honey, and the preferences of the owner.

Ukraine is the land of a thousand honey plants

Among the thousands of Ukrainian honey plants, the following honey plants are the most common among beekeepers for sowing: mordovnik, vaida, white and yellow mustard, buckwheat, goat’s milk, two-year and one-year white burkun, as well as yellow, white clover, phacelia, , blueberry, milk thistle.

With the correct timing and sowing of honey bees, the beekeeper can get a honey conveyor and completely eliminate the free period in his apiary.
“SMART AGRO PLUS” offers beekeepers seeds of honey plants and their mixtures in packages of 1 kg. From us, you can order the type of honey bee seeds you need for your apiary with delivery by courier or collection at the post office.

Features of sowing seeds of honey plants

Burguna seeds, which grow beautifully in our latitudes, can be sown all season long. This two-year plant, which is not afraid of drought and frost, is considered one of the best honey plants suitable for forming a forage base for bees. The sugar content in its nectar reaches 45%, thanks to which its honey productivity is 120-300 kg per hectare.

Buckwheat is a well-known food for bees. The honey obtained from its nectar has a rich dark amber color and a bright taste. Buckwheat seeds, which you can buy in our online store, are excellent for forming a fodder base. Flowering buckwheat, sown on any neglected plot or wasteland, is guaranteed to attract entire bee families and provide their owners with tasty and fragrant honey.

It is not inferior in taste to buckwheat honey, honey obtained from the nectar of red, white and pink clover. This perennial herbaceous plant actively attracts beneficial insects, providing them with food. It is recommended to plant clover seeds in sunny areas. It is absolutely unpretentious and grows quickly. Therefore, it can be sown even in accessible places, it is not afraid of being trampled.

The first-class honey crop is considered to be common blueberry. It is usually sown in early spring. It allows you to collect summer honey, which contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins. You can buy blueberry seeds in our online store. This plant is unpretentious and grows well.

Phacelia seeds are in particular demand among beekeepers. This honey-bearing plant begins to bloom a month after sowing. Having planted the seeds in the soil once, you will ensure their excellent self-sowing in the area designated for the fodder base for bees.

There are also safflower seeds in our online store. This honey plant is not afraid of drought, it is unpretentious in care and blooms all summer, providing bees with food and their owners with honey. And, finally, the seeds of goat’s milk – a high-yielding honey plant. It provides the bees with comb already at the end of May, guaranteeing a good honey collection in the middle of summer. You can buy all the above-mentioned seeds of honey crops in our online store. We guarantee their similarity, quality and productivity.
